The "Relieves Comprometidos"of master Estartús obtain a substantive national and internati
2012 is the year in which the Catalan artist Jaume Mestres Estartús presents his latest and most personal work under the title "Committed Relieves".
The artist presents an important series of paintings accompanied, for the first time, by performances in sculptural formats, works in which he denounces the difficult moment in which contemporary society is immersed.
War, poverty, modern society vitiated by behaviors markedly consumerist, selfish and lacking in solidarity, are the subject of denunciation in a work of a chronic character, unpublished and full of personality and artistic maturity.
According to Julia Saéz Angulo, of the International Association of Art Critics, "It is a singular focus of the artist on the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - hunger, war, disease and death, a theme rooted in the tradition of Art History ... Let us forget that Appocalipsis means Revelation in Greek. Revelation of what is hidden but exists. "
As a result of the first exhibition of the work in Madrid, it was not long before samples of interest arrived at the artist's proposal by museums, institutions, dealers and collectors from all over the world.
The Japanese embassy, through its cultural attaché, Kenichi Yamaguchi, acquires the work "S-19" in which the artist makes a reflection on the disaster of Fukushima. The work will be exhibited at the Kanasawa Museum in Japan.
Another of the works of this series happens to comprise of the Circle of Beautiful Arts of the Real Academy of San Fernando in Madrid.
G-1, a painting from the series "Gerra de Relieves Committed has been acquired to be permanently exhibited in the Arab House of Madrid.
The Museum of Contemporary Art ABC incorporates a pictorial work of the "Relieves compromtidos" to the collection of the entity, in the year in which the Media Club makes express recognition Jaume Mestres Estartús as best artist 2011, in the delivery of Prizes Perséfone Held in the Royal Hall of the Hotel Ritz. The event was attended by numerous personalities from the world of the Arts, the Petiodism, Culture and Society of this country.
The interest aroused by the artist has led to the inclusion of the work "Lunar Landscape I" in the Permanent Collection of the Schloss Merode Castle, in Düren, Germany. The work was delivered in Madrid from the hands of the artist to the Principes of Merode in an emotional act.